Arbeit und Alltag
Soziale Wirklichkeit in der belgischen Kunst 1830–1914
Work and everyday life. Social reality in Belgian art, 1830–1914
The foreword to this catalogue notes: “In 1864/65, when Baudelaire mockingly claimed that Belgium had no art because it had left the country, he provoked Belgian art lovers.” In fact, Brussels in particular was becoming a center of Europe’s art world. Belgium’s economic rise after 1830, the rapid spread of poverty, the destruction of old social structures, and new labor relations were all reflected in various ways in art. Industrial landscapes, mines and steelworks were depicted; the work performed by women and children was examined; the tough living and working conditions in rural communities were reflected. The exhibition at Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin and the accompanying catalogue showed largely unknown works by artists including Constantin Meunier, Charles de Groux, and Eugène Laermans.
Ed.: nGbK
Work group: Manfred Braam, Rolf Brockschmidt, Sigrid Gwiasda, Meike Hielscher, Peter Hielscher, Margret Kampmeyer, Maria-Magdalena Müller, Susanne Onken, Anita Schwandt, Monika Thuret