Erobert den Film! Proletariat und Film in der Weimarer Republik
Conquer cinema! Proletariat and film in the Weimar Republic
This book, that appeared in the “Materials on Cinema History” series, was published by the nGbK in cooperation with the Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek to coincide with the retrospective Proletarischer Film – Proletariat im Film der Weimarer Republik that took place as part of the exhibition Wem gehört die Welt at Kino Arsenal. The book seeks to distinguish between “proletarian” films made by workers’ organizations and “bourgeois” films produced under capitalist conditions. The historical development of “proletarian” film propaganda (at the time, such films were viewed almost exclusively as propaganda) only makes sense if the emergence of the “bourgeois” film industry, its products, and the reception of these products is also taken into consideration. Alongside essays on cultural history, the book presents all of the films in the program with press releases, reviews, filmographies and director biographies—including Berlin Alexanderplatz (Piel Jutzi, 1931), Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1926), and The Threepenny Opera (G.W. Pabst, 1930/31).
Ed.: NGBK and Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek e.V.