Heinrich Vogeler
Kunstwerke, Gebrauchsgegenstände, Dokumente
Heinrich Vogeler. Artworks, everyday objects, documents
This overview of the work of Heinrich Vogeler (1872–1942) aimed to shed light on this versatile artist from different perspectives, bringing his early and later work together in a single exhibition. This was only partly possible, even at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin in 1983, as the executors of the artist’s estate, in East Germany and in Worpswede, offered little support—in many cases, reproductions had to be used. But it was possible to show many less well-known works and new documents on Vogeler’s life and political activity, giving insights into the oeuvre of this varied and enigmatic artist who was torn between Jugendstil and Expressionism, bourgeois life and Communism. The catalogue presents the different phases of Vogeler’s life, using photographs, letters, and posters to explain his political commitment, his works of applied art, his workshop and the Barkenhoff in Worpswede, and the period he spent in the Soviet Union.
Work group: Antje Gerlach, Werner Hohmann, Ingrid Krolow, Richard Pettit, Claudia Przyborowski, Annemarie Richter, Karl-Robert Schütze, Brigitte Sonnenschein, Silvia Steinweh, Ulrike Stelzl, Oskar Wehling