
Year: 2008 Type: Print publication Languages: German, English Price: 14.00 € Format: 24 x 32 cm, softcover, saddle stitch binding Scope: 68 p., numerous images, color and b/w ISBN: 978-3-938515-17-4

Hurricane Katrina, alarming reports of melting polar ice, and the global rise in sea levels—against the backdrop of the rise in extreme weather events worldwide, climate change is now a hot topic. The global ecological impact of growth-based economies and lifestyles is visible everywhere, coupled with polarizing attributions of guilt. But what precisely is a “climate disaster”? Who talks about catastrophic conditions and why? Which images are used to showcase disasters in the media and to harness them to political agendas? Answers to these questions are offered by the exhibition Katastrophenalarm (Disaster Alarm) and two accompanying publications: this large-format catalog that presents those involved with many full-page illustrations, and the fourth issue of the magazine spector cut+paste, a collaborative project developed by Leipzig-based artists, graphic designers, and authors to address specific themes—in this case climate change as cultural discourse.

Ed.: nGbK

Work group: Sophie Goltz, Christine Heidemann, Anne Kersten, Vera Tollmann, Ingo Vetter

With contributions by: Alexandra Alexeijewitsch, Paul Virilio, Sophie Goltz, Christine Heidermann, Anne Kersten, Vera Tollmann, Ingo Vetter
