Kunst aus der Revolution
Sowjetische Kunst während der Phase der Kollektivierung und Industrialisierung 1927–1933. Katalog
Art from the revolution. Soviet art during the phase of collectivization and industrialization, 1927–1933 (catalogue)
The aim of the project was “to correct the one-sided, biased image of early Soviet art in the West.” The few previous exhibitions on the subject were limited to the Constructivism, Suprematism, and Production Art of the period until around 1924. The work of the Soviet avant-garde was still largely unknown in Germany, with many visitors hearing names like Aleksandr Deyneka, Gustav Klutsis, Yuriy Pimenov, or the Oktyabr group for the first time. The exhibition was accompanied by an official catalogue with 49 full-page illustrations and an introductory essay by the deputy director of the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. It was the wish of the gallery and the Soviet authorities that the catalogue should contain no essays by members of the working group. As a result, the work group produced its own book, “Kunst in die Produktion!”, containing essays, analyses, photographs, and an appendix with documents. Both publications sold out during the exhibition run.
Ed.: nGbK
Work group: Christiane Bauermeister-Paetzel, Christian Borngräber, Irmingard Emanuel, Hubertus Gaßner, Eckhart Gillen, Oskar Wehling, Sylvia Wetzel