Martin Damus: Funktionen der Bildenden Kunst im Spätkapitalismus
Martin Damus: Functions of fine art in late capitalism
This book by Martin Damus, published as a paperback by Fischer in its “Bücher des Wissens” series, was written as part of an nGbK research project. Damus, born 1936, relocated from East to West Germany in 1965, going on to study art history, philosophy, and history at Berlin’s Free University, where he completed a PhD in 1972, before teaching at Berlin’s Pädagogische Hochschule. The book examines the relationship between fine art and late-capitalist society, taking a historical-materialist approach and using the example of the avant-garde art of the 1960s to grasp contemporary phenomena as “things having become.” He asks when and why the relationship between art and life became so problematic. Why is it now so hard for art to make an impact that changes social realities?