Pariser Kommune 1871
Paris Commune, 1871
The working group responsible for this nGbK exhibition produced a catalogue offering a visual documentation of the Paris Commune of 1871, plus three booklets with commentary and accompanying materials. The book gives an overview of the abundant historical material on this subject, as the painting, photography, caricature, and popular graphics of the period had at this time not yet been subjected to systematic historical study, even in France. In the exhibition at Haus am Lützowplatz in 1971/72, the working group focused not on images that passively reflect historical events, but on materials that made an impact on the events themselves, as elements of the social practice of the moment, including works by artists from Édouard Manet through Honoré Daumier.
Ed.: nGbK
Work group: Holger Ambosius, Uwe Bergmann, Arwed Gorella, Aglaia J. Hartig, Bärbel Heidenreich-Brunn, Uli Hermann, Peter Hielscher, Rainer Mausbach, Katrin Sello, Matthias Wolf