Realismusstudio 5

Ergebnisse des Wettbewerbs für Malerei zum Thema „Auswirkungen des 14. Strafrechtsänderungsgesetzes (§ 88a, § 130a u. a.)

Year: 1976 Type: Loose-leaf collection Languages: German Format: DIN A4, loose sheets ISBN: none

Realismusstudio 5. Results of the painting competition on the theme “Impact of the 14th Penal Code Amendment (§ 88a, § 130a u. a.)”

The fifth RealismusStudio publication is a loose-leaf folder in A4 format documenting the painting competition on the “Impact of the 14th Penal Code Amendment,” produced to accompany the exhibition of the same name and two discussion events in October and November 1976. The working group that organized the competition aimed to focus attention on the 14th amendment of German’s penal code that significantly increased “political repression in West Germany with the newly introduced Paragraph 88a on the ‘endorsement and incitement of crimes’ in any form of writing, sound, or image.” It was feared that this might end the fundamental freedom of art and science. The folder explains what was at stake in political terms and comments on the competition. The winner, selected from many works submitted on themes including fear of the police and occupational bans, was Ulla Schenkel’s painting Der öffentliche Friede.

Work group: Valdis J. Āboliņš, Agathe Haag, Gerd Herr, Dieter Masuhr, Barbara Straka
