A09 Viral Intimacies

Format: Contemporary Art Exhibition with Public Program

Preferred time: September until November 2025

[VIRAL INTIMACIES] brings together a diverse group of artists, activists and scholars to reflect on contemporary conditions of HIV/AIDS, as they are shaped by politics, biomedicine, social locations as well as personal memories, love and archives. Our aim is to reflect the realities of those who long have been silenced or forgotten in writing the history of HIV/AIDS, including among others trans and cis women, people from the Global South, racialized people, incarcerated people and sex workers. We ask how to decolonize the history and present of HIV/AIDS; How to narrate HIV/AIDS otherwise – not as a coherent story, but as fragmented and uneven? Taking these questions and already existing grassroots movements / platforms / activist work into account, we are presenting eleven audio visual artworks which are filling the gaps in the dominant yet incomplete narrative of hiv/aids. The accompanying public program creates a shared space for in depth conversation, encounters, visibilities and solidarity through film screenings, talks, workshops and performances. facilitating the artworks and public program in nGbK’s new space at Alexanderplatz reflects our goal to destabilise the canon around hiv/aids and amplify these yet unheard narratives in one of the most frequented places of Berlin.

To view videos from YouTube/Vimeo click here.