A20 Activist Choreographies of Care: perfocraZe International Artist Residency

Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi aka crazinisT artisT. Right: I AM HERE, collaboration between Giulia Casalini, Niya B and Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi, Photo: Niya B. All photos courtesy of perfocraZe International Artist Residency.

Format: Exhibition with public workshop and performance program & publication 

Preferred time: Mid-March – End of May 2025

Activist Choreographies of Care opens a satellite space of the PerfocraZe International Artist Residency (pIAR) from Kumasi in Berlin. The project connects two geographical locations, Kumasi, Ghana, and Berlin, Germany, intertwining queer stories told in, about, and from those locations, mediated by the bodies that inhabit these spaces, move between them. Archival and newly produced artistic works, previous performances and new live actions are linked by an event program, bringing together the communal spirit of a residency with the notion of a gathering space provided by an exhibition display and performance set-up.

pIAR is a self-organised safe space for people of the LGBTQIA+ community in Ghana, which is currently under acute threat from a law disguised as “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights And Ghanaian Family Values Bill”. Va-Bene, founder of pIAR, continuously advocates publicly for LGBTQIA+ rights. Discriminatory laws are rooted in colonial continuities. By reading and re-writing Ghanaian and other anti-LGBTQIA+ laws from around the world, we want to confront and detect the languages of oppression. This project is inspired by those trajectories re-evaluating the West’s past and current relations to the Global South and shares the ambition to strengthen international solidarity between local initiatives.

Through installation, film, textiles, poetry and performance, the artists involved engage with the search for queer ancestries, dismantling colonial histories inscribed in bodies and spaces, to build different worlds that hold space for connection, daily resistance, and transformation. Kumasi and Berlin-based artists (visual artists, performers, dancers, sound artists and writers) are invited to explore circular narrations and speculative queer futures. Our aim is to create together a living archive of the world that is yet to come. 

To view videos from YouTube/Vimeo click here.